Sunday, May 8, 2011


How many days we have actually LIVED on planet earth?like lived for real?
BIG question. isn't it?

A day will finally come, sooner or later, when my substantial, slightly fat body will be covered neatly with a white sheet tucked under all directions of a air-mattress, probably located in a hospital sorrounded with the living folks. At that moment, a doctor will take control of the situation and determine that my body is ceased to function and all my purposes, intents, dreams,in fact ,my so-called-life has stopped.

At that particular time, dont declare myself the irreversible-end-of-life and dont call that mattress, my death bed. Rephrase and let it be called LIFE BED. Let my body be taken to help others lead fuller lives.

 I would like to donate my EYES to someone who never saw a sunrise,who never saw her mother who gave birth to him/her, who never saw a newborn baby's face and never saw true love in the eyes of a woman.

 Give my heart to someone whose own heart has been broken several times and has caused nothing but endless days of pain.

 Inquire into my senses and take away every nerves or cells possible so that someday a speechless human would shout out loud for justice, a temporarily silent boy would loud cry to call his pals to play and a guy would express his love to a girl he loves. A deaf girl would hear the sound of rain from her window and a someone could smell the wet soil after-rain.

 Give my kidneys to someone who has to depend on a damn machine to exist. Take my bones, cells, fibres,nerve anything and find a way to make a disabled, crippled child walk.
 Tweak my DNA and give the extension of longevity to some great people who deserved to live long.

  Take everything what's left in me, bury them and disperse my ashes in the wind to help flowers grow.
 Want to bury something? bury my faults, mistakes, weakness and misdeeds ,i did it to my pals and fellow-man.
 If you promise to do this what i've asked for, then i will probably live forever. That would be my ultimate goal and then  I would proudly say that ' I actually did LIVED on planet earth.


  1. bhai u r a good human being ..pehli bar laga...hahaha.....

    but i feel d same..

  2. mast hai re.... didnt know u could think so much in depth..... :) very nice :)
